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What Is Social Security Disability?

This is a federal insurance benefits program for workers who have been injured on the job or have other health issues that prevent them from working. Learn about the regulations for this program to see if you qualify for it.

What Is Social Security Disability?

Homelessness In America ImageSocial Security Disability (SSD) Insurance is a federal insurance benefits program that is paid to beneficiaries from payroll taxes. The SSD program is administered by the Social Security Administration. This program offers a financial supplement for people who have mental or physical disabilities that are severe enough that prevents them being employed. SSD is offered both as a temporary or a permanent program, depending upon the person's mental or physical disability.

How Many Years Do You Need To Work Before You Can Receive This Benefit?

These disability benefits are disbursed to people that were employed recently for the specific number of years and who have mental or physical disabilities. A person will usually have had to been employed for five of the last ten years. The minimum time length a person needed to works is twelve sequential months. For anyone younger than thirty-one, the policies are not the same since they could not been employed by for that many years.

Do Mental Health Disabilities Apply?

The Social Security Administration, says that a disability can be either emotional or physical, or even a combination of the two. To receive the Social Security Disability benefits, a person has to have a disability that's quite serious which prevents them from working at a regular job that pays on a regular basis.

If you have been laid off or fired, you will most likely not qualify for these benefits unless you have a disabling physically or mental problem. In other words, the person needs to suffer from a serious disability that prevents them from working at all.

Do You Need To See A Doctor First Before Applying?Social Security Disability Image

In order to receive SSD benefits, a health care professional will have to report that the particular person is truly disabled "by using clinically acceptable lab work or other clinical information." The facts are, that quite a few actually debilitating ailments are routinely challenging to ascertain by medical examinations and test. In the instances like that, it may take legal representative or some kind of legal aid represent the case to the Social Security Administration, to encourage the authorities that the disabled person really needs to have these benefits.

Should I Hire An Attorney To Help Me Apply For SSD Benefits?

At times it can be very complicated for a person to handle and fill out all of the forms that are required whenever a person is trying to get Social Security Disability financial benefits. Many people retain the services of an attorney for help in completing the forms, as well as filing the papers. Paying for disability attorney costs money, but the person applying for the benefits, it will most likely make the task a lot easier compared to doing it without any professional help. Most of the time, these legal professisonals are certainly a great deal more expert at getting the benefits for their clients.

How Disability Lawyers Assist When Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits

The disability legal counsel can tell you the best way to fill out all of the required document correctly. These experts will also answer all inquiries that you may have. If a person has applied in the past and had been refused benefits, an attorney will explain exactly why the benefits were denied.

Lawyers That Specialize in SSD Will Know The System Well

Considering they are rather knowledgeable about the benefit application process, they are able to hasten the total process. Since they can grasp the situation quicker that means they are able to get through the process and they won't put things off, like some people do. These kinds of attorneys will take a good look at the person's case and give the best recommendations to get a successful conclusion.

Court Representation

Any time a person's SSD claim is denied, for any kind of reason, a person has the legal right to ask the disability attorney to represent them in a court of law, if the person chooses to appeal. A highly skilled disability legal representative will be able to represent the disability case effectively as they comprehend the case and the process. The legal professional will provide all of the information needed, as well as state your cause and argue for you to get the financial benefits. Quite a few disability attorneys are quite useful, particularly when an individual needs to get benefits for one of their family members.

When a person really needs to qualify as soon as possible for SSD benefits, that person should consider quite seriously about engaging a disability lawyer who happens to know about this subject.

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Image Copyright: U.S. Social Security Administration
Image Source: https://www.ssa.gov/disability/
Last Updated: 01-14-2013
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